Get Penile Implant Surgery at the UK’s only specialist clinic

Considering Penile Implant Surgery? Get treated at the UK's highest volume private penile implant clinic, International Andrology - Join 1000+ satisfied men


About Penile Implant Surgery

At International Andrology, we are committed to addressing the challenges of erectile dysfunction (ED) through comprehensive care and advanced treatment options. Penile implant surgery represents a significant advancement in ED treatments, offering a long-term solution for those who have not found success with other therapies or looking for a permanent and definitive solution to their erection issues.

Understanding Penile Implant Surgery

Penile implant surgery involves the placement of a prosthetic device within the penis and scrotum. The implants are entirely contained within the body, making them invisible to the naked eye and undetectable to others. They allow for an erection to be achieved at any time and maintained for as long as desired, restoring sexual function and confidence.

The Advantages of Penile Implant Surgery

  • Definitive Solution: Penile implants offer a permanent answer to ED, bypassing the uncertainties of pills, creams, and injections. Once in place, the device is completely discreet and provides a natural-looking erection whenever desired.

  • Unparalleled Satisfaction Rates: Studies show that penile implant surgery has the highest satisfaction rates among all ED treatments, for both patients and their partners. Over 90% of men report enhanced self-esteem and a significantly improved sexual experience.

  • Customized to Your Needs: Each implant is tailored to fit your body perfectly, ensuring comfort and functionality. Our state-of-the-art devices are designed to mimic the look and feel of a natural erection, providing you with the ultimate solution to ED.

Why Choosing the Right Clinic Matters

The success of penile implant surgery is significantly influenced by the skill and experience of the surgical team. At International Andrology, our specialists are leaders in the field, bringing years of dedicated practice to each procedure. Our high volume of surgeries not only speaks to our expertise but also to our commitment to providing the highest standard of care, which includes:

  • Reduced Complication Rates: Our surgical team's proficiency minimizes the risk of complications, contributing to a safer procedure and faster recovery.

  • Personalized Care: From consultation through recovery, we offer personalized support tailored to each patient's unique situation, ensuring comfort and clarity throughout the treatment journey.

The Impact of Penile Implant Surgery

Opting for penile implant surgery is a significant decision, influenced by the desire to regain sexual function and enhance one's quality of life. Our patients often report a renewed sense of vitality and connection with their partners, highlighting the profound difference the surgery has made in their lives. Beyond the restoration of erectile function, the surgery offers an opportunity for individuals to overcome the psychological and emotional barriers associated with ED.

Take the Next Step

If you're considering penile implant surgery, we encourage you to schedule an initial consultation with our expert surgeon. Our team is here to provide you with the information and support you need to make an informed decision about your health and well-being.

Your Patient Journey

30 Years of Experience, 15000+ satisfied patients

We understand that deciding to undergo surgery is a significant step, which is why we've designed a clear and supportive patient journey to guide you from your first consultation through to a successful recovery and beyond. This journey is structured to ensure you feel informed, comfortable, and confident at every stage, with our expert team by your side. Below, we outline the four key steps of the patient journey for penile implant surgery, highlighting our commitment to excellence in patient care and outcomes.

  • Discover Your Options: Your journey begins with a comprehensive consultation at International Andrology. During this initial meeting, you'll discuss your medical history, current challenges with erectile dysfunction, and your goals for treatment. Our experts will provide detailed information about penile implant surgery, including the types of implants available, the procedure itself, expected outcomes, and how it compares to other treatments. This step ensures you have all the information needed to make an informed decision about your health.

  • Personalized Planning for Your Surgery: Once you decide to proceed with penile implant surgery, you'll undergo a thorough preoperative assessment. This phase includes a series of tests and evaluations to confirm your suitability for surgery and to tailor the procedure to your specific needs. You'll also receive detailed instructions to prepare for surgery, covering everything from dietary restrictions to medication adjustments. Our team will be available to answer any questions you have, ensuring you feel fully prepared and confident as your surgery date approaches.

  • Transforming Your Life: Penile implant surgery is performed under anesthesia, ensuring your comfort throughout the procedure. Our skilled surgeons will carefully place the penile implant through a small incision, taking great care to minimize any discomfort and maximize the aesthetic and functional outcomes. The surgery typically lasts about an hour, and most patients are able to return home the same day. Our team uses the latest techniques and technology to ensure a smooth and successful surgery, setting the stage for a new chapter in your life.

  • Supporting Your Successful Recovery: After surgery, you'll receive comprehensive aftercare instructions and support from our team. The initial recovery period usually involves a few weeks of rest, with specific guidelines to help manage discomfort and support healing. Follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress and ensure the implant is functioning as expected. We're committed to providing ongoing support and advice, helping you adjust to life with your penile implant and ensuring you achieve the best possible outcomes from your surgery.


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Meet Our Medical Team

  • Professor Amr Raheem

    Consultant Surgeon - Andrologist

  • Ms Angela Gregory

    Sex Therapist

Real People - Real Results

We know that seeking medical help is not always easy and that you may have a lot of questions. We hope that our past patient experiences can help you take the first step.